
every client is UNIQUE

There is no “one size that fits all” when it comes to the perfect training solution. Whether you’re an army of one or representing your entire organization we have a solution for you. Our programs are customized to meet your objectives while staying within your time and budgetary constraints. All of our programs can be delivered as instructor led training, live streaming webinars, or online blended solutions. Call us today to learn more about our pricing, and to customize a program for you.


INSTRUCTOR led training

Instructor Led Training is still the best way to create lasting behavioral change for you and your participants. There is no substitute for the live interaction with the instructor and the other participants. Adults learn through experience. We feature live case studies that are video-taped for individual analysis and development. Small class sizes ensure personalized instruction and development. Case studies and content are customized to reflect current industry and market challenges.

Instructor Led Training, negotiation skills seminar, effective negotiation skills training, negotiation skills workshop,


INDIVIDUAL GROWTH – Small group sizes combined with video taped case studies focuses on individual development

LASTING BEHAVIORAL CHANGE – One on one post workshop support to answer real application questions

MAXIMUM RELEVANCE – Customized case studies are designed to incorporate company initiatives, industry situations, and current market forces

CUTTING EDGE BEHAVIORAL PSYCHOLOGY – We use behavioral techniques combined with contemporary negotiation strategy to get to the truth

PRACTICAL APPLICATION – We don’t outsource the workshop delivery, all programs are delivered by an experienced commercial negotiator

LIVE webinars

You get it all with the webinar. The ultimate engagement, the ultimate flexibility, the ultimate convenience with the minimum expense.  It’s more than a webinar; it’s a blended solution utilizing multiple forms of electronic media to increase mobility and accessibility.  The underlying principle is simple – self interest promotes engagement.  Attendees are more interested in videos THEY are in, how THEY perform, and how issues impact THEIR deals.  Breakout sessions during the webinar ensure individual attention for all attendees. 


ULTIMATE ENGAGEMENT – with maximum convenience while eliminating unnecessary costs associated with travel, meals, and materials.  Small class sizes ensure individual focus and development

LIVE INTERACTION – with an instructor to provide real-time answers to relevant questions on principle application in the real world

ULTIMATE FLEXIBILITY – programs are divided into modules that cover 4 to 6 hours of training time including case study preparation.  Schedule multiple elements of the program to fit within participants schedule

LIBRARY OF CONTENT – participants will each receive access to a library of content including videos of their case studies with instructor comments, distributed handouts, and recorded webinar sessions to review and access post webinar



The Ultimate Negotiator Webinar, effective negotiation skills training, negotiation skills workshop, advanced negotiation coach

On-line training provides the ultimate convenience AND price.  Participants choose when, where, and how they interact with the content.  We’ve combined a range of video assets and digital content to create the ultimate on-line experience for every participant.   Each participant will receive live interaction with an instructor through a series of coaching calls included in the program.  We augment the instructor interaction with each participant by providing recorded case study analysis for each participant.


ULTIMATE CONVENIENCE – online training truly shifts the paradigm in flexibility and convenience at the lowest possible cost.  All the content is hosted online with access from any internet browser.  Case studies utilize video conferencing to record each participants performance for analysis.  Instructors add their comments to the recorded case studies to provide critical insights for each participant

LIVE INTERACTION – each participant is assigned an instructor to answer questions and provide one on one coaching support throughout the learning process.  Instructors provide individual analysis for each case study to provide critical feedback for participant development

ULTIMATE FLEXIBILITY – programs are divided into video clips ranging from 2 to 5 minutes in length.  Each module takes 3 to 4 hours to complete. Participants work at their own pace.

LIBRARY OF CONTENT – participants will each receive access to a library of content including videos of their case studies with instructor comments, talking head videos, animated videos, guest speakers from industry leaders, pre-recorded examples from past workshops, and all digital assets included in the program 



how we do IT

what THEY are saying

BY FAR the best training we’ve had as a team…… we couldn’t come up with a single criticism and agreed that you’ve got this down to a science.

Heather Ward, Kinder Morgan, Inc.

It was the most valuable training I have ever been through in my 16 year career (and coming from Big 4 consulting I’ve been through a lot of training).

Jeff Gould Negotiation seminar attendeeJeff Gould, International Rectifier, Inc.

Day 1 back in the office and I find myself listening and looking for cues that will help me read the situation better.

Mark Hawthorne Negotiation course attendeeMark Hawthorne, Safeway, Inc.

The Ultimate Negotiator Workshop was one of the best training sessions I’ve had in my career and I’ve been fortunate to take part in many.

Katie Ohara Negotiation seminar attendeeKatie O'Hara, Mattel, Inc.

This was by far the best workshop I have ever attended.

Ed Makowski Negotiation seminar attendeeEd Makowski, Oldcastle Precast, Inc.

I personally think Andy is one of the best facilitators I have ever had the pleasure of working with.

Jennifer Reese Negotiation seminar attendeeJennifer Reese, Verizon, Inc.

I really learned how to read people better & to be more direct in my communication.

Randy Pietsch Negotiation course attendeeRandy Pietsch, The Sports Authority

Your workshop is definitely in a league of its’ own.

Richard Kolpa Negotiation seminar attendeeRichard Kolpa, Prologis, Inc.

These skills are invaluable and the content, method and intensity of the training were fantastic.

Rick Smith Negotiation course attendeeRick Smith, Petco, Inc.

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